The Adventures of April

We shall not cease from exploration - And the end of all our exploring - Will be to arrive where we started - And know the place for the first time. -- T.S. Eliot

Monday, August 28, 2006

Thank You!

Thanks to everybody who has kept myself and my family in their thoughts and prayers! My parents and Gloria returned to Michigan on Friday and I think that we would all agree that our trip was a great success in many ways.

Also thanks to those who have emailed me... I have enjoyed reading your emails greatly, even though I haven´t been able to give a lengthy or speedy response!

I´m also very thankful that I have been able to correspond with two of my contacts from Sister Betty in Mexico, a nun who runs a women´s center in Colon, Panama and man in Honduras outside of the capital. I hope that visits with them will teach me more about the struggles the vast majority of the people in Central America face daily. I´m still praying that those connections will be fruitful.

Right now I am missing Canada and Toronto a lot, along with all of my wonderful friends. Sigh.... I´m coming back to visit soon, right?! It´ll be like I never left, right!? But I am so thankful for this opportunity.

I´m also thankful that I have been meeting people and making friends. Praise God! There is a student at my Spanish school who recently graduated from law school in Arizona and I´m hoping that we can hang out! All 6 of the students at the school are very nice. I do feel as though God is taking care of me. Amen!


At 9:24 AM, August 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're feeling taken care of! God is sooo good! Love you April!

At 10:21 AM, August 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your news. It will be like you never left! Except for it will be colder, and I'll be living in a new house.


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