The Adventures of April

We shall not cease from exploration - And the end of all our exploring - Will be to arrive where we started - And know the place for the first time. -- T.S. Eliot

Monday, August 28, 2006


Sometimes I do more than one post per day, since I usually have catching up to do. Scroll down or look at the listings at the right if you are interesting in reading all of them!


At 12:29 PM, August 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi April - I was sad to see you go, just as I was just getting to know you. What a cracker you are! It was great to read your blog - I love hearing about the language goofs. Brings a tear to my Newfie eye! Anyhow, I hope you are practicing the eye contact. Remember - 4 seconds and then maybe you can teach Andrea something about "suaveness"! Be brave, be adventurous, be out there (which is esentially what it means to be April, I guess).
I'm living vicariously! God bless...Donna


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