The Adventures of April

We shall not cease from exploration - And the end of all our exploring - Will be to arrive where we started - And know the place for the first time. -- T.S. Eliot

Monday, August 28, 2006

It´s a Small World After All!

Is that song in your head now? Ha ha ha... I think we should use that to ward off the aliens when they invade (my dad is confident there is a UFO hovering above Pretty Lake).

Two short stories about how small the world is.

1.) Our tour guatemalteco tour guide, Abraham, in Antigua, had lived in Hamilton, Ontario, for 9 years. (Hamilton is only 45 minutes from Toronto).

2.) In Panajachel on Lago Atitlan this past weekend, Andrea and I met a gringo who goes to Redlands in California. The same school that my cousin Sam´s girlfriend, Anjale, goes to. He lived in the same building as Anjale and has met my cousin Sam when he came to visit! Crazy!

More to come like this, I am sure.


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