From One Cottage to Another...
At the eleventh hour, moments before I almost committed myself to an apartment over an hour away from the Embassy, I got a message from an Embassy family. This Friday I moved in with Debbi & Melvin and their three adorable children, Max, Davis, and Chloe. They live very close to the Embassy and are the nicest people.
The setup is pretty sweet. I am living in a casita, or a little house that is behind their home. I have my own room, bathroom, and even a living room stocked with air conditioning, a TV, and plenty of toys. :) I couldn't have asked for anything better!
It is a little bit comical to me because in Toronto I lived in a carriage house - a small, cottage-like abode behind the huge mansions on Madison Avenue in downtown Toronto. Thus, I am accustomed to living in other people's backyards and have grown to like it. The only thing my casita is lacking now is one awesome roommate named Sarah Jane. I guess I'll have to make do with the birds outside my win
Pictures: The little gnome at my old house on Toronto. I've always wondered what put that smile on his face. Me outside of my house in Toronto.
the little cottage in canada and its' attendant gnome miss you very much. xo
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